Analysis of gamification on the creativity of autistic children
A strategic perspective on the impact of artificial intelligence implementation on employee performance: The mediating role of customer satisfaction and employee engagement.
Semantic data analysis to discover inconsistent data in social networks using ontology.
Discovering and weighing the factors influencing the success of startups in Iran
Ethical analysis of employment contracts between employer and employee
Customer feedback and its impact on the relationship between market orientation and new product development performance. Examining the impact of digital technologies.
Predicting financial markets using artificial intelligence algorithms
Measuring the level of confidence in technology adoption in financial institutions with an emphasis on cost savings
Pricing policy for energy carriers: diesel
Designing a model to measure factors affecting international trade negotiations in commercial companies
Cryptocurrency price prediction using machine learning models and deploying XAI distributed artificial intelligence techniques to improve interpretability and transparency
Developing data generation methods in offline reinforcement learning for stock portfolio management
Identifying effective factors and measuring their impact on people’s willingness to use shared and demand-responsive systems in urban transportation
Using information collected by self-driving cars to assess pavement condition using artificial intelligence
Discovering emerging research opportunities in studies related to digital transformation
Improving the dark experience replay algorithm for continuous online learning
Future research on the applications of metaverse-based technologies
Consciousness and Experience: Examining the Phenomenological State of Experience and Determining the Reference of How It Is with the Help of the Bold Being Approach
A predictive model for in-vehicle systems failure using machine learning
Selecting the optimal countermeasure in cybersecurity situational awareness systems
Detecting Fraud in Imbalanced Data with Data Mining and Machine Learning
Creating a persistent advanced threat dataset using adversarial learning
Investigating the interrelationship between innovation and team cohesion with the mediating role of trust in distributed teams.
Abu Raihan Biruni’s scientific method in calculating the specific gravity of objects with emphasis on her article on the ratio between the volumes of metals and precious stones (translation and explanation)
Optimization of algorithmic studies in the Tehran Stock Exchange market using feature engineering with a hybrid Autoencoder-LSTM-CNN model and prediction with an LSTM model
Investigating bargaining power in the gig economy by examining the extent of changes in labor supply prices affected by inflation, a study on Snap
Increasing Exchange Rate Forecasting: SVR and Random Forest Machine Learning Approaches Combined with Fundamental Factors
Forecasting portfolio returns based on deep learning-based price prediction
Beyond the Brand: Analyzing Mastige Consumer Behavior and Their Perception of Sustainability in the Food Industry