Master of Information Technology Engineering

Introduction to the Information Technology Engineering Major with an E-Commerce Major

E-commerce, as one of the important topics of information and communication technology, is emphasized by experts in this field and includes any trade and interaction in the context of information and communication technology. Buying, selling and exchanging any goods, services or information through computer networks or conducting business transactions in an electronic format is one of the definitions that has been stated for electronic commerce, which is rapidly replacing traditional business methods and many countries have made its use the forefront of their business strategies. The benefits of electronic commerce include: access to the global market, reducing costs, convenience and ease of use, the ability to compare prices and the ability to improve customer satisfaction.

The goal of the master’s degree in information technology engineering with an e-commerce major is to provide a proper understanding of technologies related to computer networks, skills in designing and producing multimedia systems for distribution at the network level, and awareness of the tools and methods needed to change business and management tasks through electronic transactions. This field will have a job market in the following areas:

Working in banks around electronic money (electronic banking, internet banking, mobile banking, etc.)
Creating and managing websites that provide e-commerce services
Producing customer management software (CRM)
Developing web-based software with an e-commerce approach