

2015- 2018

Sharif University of Technology

Research Institute for Science, Technology and Industrial Policy (RISTIP)

Post-Doc in Governance and Public Policy


Sep. 2009- 2014

University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK

School of Social and Political Studies

Institute for the Study of Science, Technology and Innovation (ISSTI)

PhD in Public Policy and Governance


Sep. 2011- Jun. 2012

The Institute for Advanced Studies, Graz, Austria

IAS-STS Manfred Heindler grant

Research Fellow


Sep. 2001- Jun. 2004

Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

Graduate School of  Management and Economics

MBA in Management of Technology


Sep. 1995-Mar. 2001

Khaje Nasir Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

Department of Electrical Engineering

BSc in Electrical Engineering


تجارب کاری

2018- 2022

The Audiovisual Media Regulatory Authority (SATRA), IRIB, Tehran, Iran

President and IRIB’s Deputy


2017- 2018

IRIB, Tehran, Iran

Advisor to President


2018- 2021

The Council of Expediency, Tehran, Iran

Advisor and Head of Policy Research



Governance and Public Policy Think Tank (GPTT), Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

Director and Research Fellow


Oct. 2011-Jun. 2012

The Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society (IAS-STS) and Inter-University Research Centre for Technology, Work and Culture (IFZ) , Graz, Austria

Visiting Research Fellow



The Research Institute for Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (RISTIP), Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

Deputy of Department


Mar. 2005- Jun. 2009

Amin Consulting Management Group (AMCG), Tehran, Iran

(A Consultancy in Technology Strategy and policy development)

Head of Research Department


Sep. 2003- Mar. 2005

Municipality of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

Advisor to the Mayor and the Head of Strategic Planning Team


Sep., 2001- Sep. 2002 (Part Time)

Hydrogen Technology Ltd.

Vice President and Head of Planning

  • Strategic Planning
  • Technology Manager


مقالات و انتشارات

Emamian, SMS, Khalili, S.M., Ebrahimnejad, A, The Rise of Iranian Private Media Platforms and Challenging the IRIB’s Monopolistic Constitutional Position, the RIPE@2022 conference: Between the Fourth Estate and the Fifth Power: Conservation and Innovation in PSM Journalism, ORF, Vienna, Austria, September 2022


Emamian, SMS, Bagheripor, R, Afshani, M, The Iranian Policy Advisory System: Moving beyond Traditionality towards Technicisation and Digitalization, the GLOBAL DESIGN NETWORK WORKSHOP (GDN 2022),Interrogating Expertise: Policy Experts, Policy Knowledge and the Emergence of Non-Traditional Knowledge Systems, HBKU (QATAR), September 2022


Emamian, SMS, Afshani, M, The Politicization versus Securitization of JCPOA: A Comparative Study of the US and Iranian Policy Advisory Systems, the GLOBAL DESIGN NETWORK WORKSHOP (GDN 2022),Interrogating Expertise: Policy Experts, Policy Knowledge and the Emergence of Non-Traditional Knowledge Systems, HBKU (QATAR), September 2022


Emamian, SMS, Ghalandary, AH, Mirzaei, M, The Emergence of Towards a Regulatory Governance: the Emergence of More Competent and Convergent Regulatory Agencies in Iran, The European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR General Conference 2022), Panel VIR371: Towards de-specialization: politicisation and coordination of regulation, University of Innsbruck, Austria, August 2022


Emamian, SMS, Nadian, M, KadkhodMoradi, M, An Overview of the Iranian Multi-level Governance Model: Understanding the Role of Supra-Governmental Councils in Achieving Policy Consistency and Stability, The multilevel legislative drafting and legislative impact assessment conference (MLD 2022), Lisbon, Portugal, July 2022

Emamian, SMS, Transnational Platforms and the Legitimization of Political Censorship: the case of Instagram content moderation in light of the escalated Iran-US political conflict, Media and the Illiberal Turn: Challenges to democracy and public communication in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Loughborough University, UK, April 2022

Emamian, SMS, Insights for A Balanced Regulation, IIC Italy Chapter, in Law, Democracy and Institution session, Dec 2021

Emamian, SMS, Towards a Regulatory Governance: The Emergence of Modern Regulatory Agencies in IRAN, the 10th Annual Conference of Association for Middle Eastern Public Policy and Administration, AMEPPA 2021, HBKU in Doha, Qatar, Dec 2021

Emamian, SMS, Approaches to Online Platform Regulation: Balancing Economic and Social Considerations, the IIC’s International Regulator’s Forum, IRF2021, Oct 2021

Emamian, SMS, The Evolution of Iranian Policy Advisory System: towards Technicization and Digitalization, the 5th International Conference on Public Policy, ICPP5, Barcelona, July 2021

MomeniRad, M, Nateghi, M, Emamian, SMS, Assessing the Institutional Design of the Iranian Regulatory System: towards more Authoritative Regulators, the 5th International Conference on Public Policy, ICPP5, Barcelona, July 2021

Emamian, SMS, How to improve Policy Consistency and Integration within a Governance System: Lessons from the Iranian Expediency Council, Emerging Issues in Executive Politics, the 26th World Congress of Political Science, July 2021

Emamian, SMS, Zamanian, M, The Evolution of Iranian Regulatory Landscape, the Rise of Regulatory Governance , the 8th Biennial ECPR Conference on Regulatory Governance, University of Exeter, June 2021

Emamian, SMS, From Idea to Institution: the Emergence of Regulatory Network in Iran, “Resilience, Experience, Hope”, the 71st PSA annual International Conference, Queen’s University Belfast (QUB), March 2021

Emamian, SMS, International Platforms and the Challenge of Media Sovereignty: Online Platform Responsibility and Intermediary Liability, the International Institute for Communication, IIC Asia TMF Webinar, Feb 2021

Emamian, SMS, From Government to Governance in the Era of Disruptive Technologies: Exploring the Experience of Iran, the Public Policy Network (PPN), Singapore, Feb 2019

Emamian, SMS, Zeinalo, M, Think tanks in different political systems: a comparative study of British and Iranian think tanks, T07P13- Think Tanks in Action: A Comparative Perspective, The 3rd  International Conference of Public Policy: ICPP2017, Singapore, June 2017

Emamian, SMS, The Complementary Role of Interest-Driven Policy Actors in the Process of British Energy Policy Change, T12P03- Interest Groups, Political Parties and Public Policies, The 3rd  International Conference of Public Policy: ICPP2017, Singapore, June 2017

Emamian, SMS, Different Policy Weight and Capacity throughout the Process of Policy Change, T10P03- Policy Capacity: Empirical Explorations and Conceptual Clarifications, The second  International Conference of Public Policy: ICPP2015, Milan, Italy, June 2015

Emamian, SMS, Shifting British Electricity Governance in the 21st Century: Paradigm Ambivalence and Technological Tension, T12P02 – The AIM of Governance in the 21st Century: Actors Instrumentation and Modes of Governance, , The second  International Conference of Public Policy: ICPP2015, Milan, Italy, June 2015


Emamian, SMS, Understanding British Electricity Policy Process:

Paradigm Ambivalence and Technological Tension, the third International Young Scholars Workshop in TPAC/PAC Doctoral Stream, University of Liverpool, June 2014


Emamian,SMS, The Analysis of Multi-Level Changes: The Case of UK Electricity Market Reform, The first International Conference of Public Policy, ICPP2013, Grenoble, France, June 2013


Emamian,SMS, Towards A Sustainable Electricity System: The UK Electricity Policy Change and Paradigmatic Shift, Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Workshop in Sustainable Development (IPWSD),

Columbia University, New York City, US, April 2013


Emamian,SMS, Understanding the UK electricity policy change, 2000-2012, PSA 2013 conference, Policy Specialist Group panel, Cardiff, UK, March 2013


Emamian,SMS, The Politics of Innovating Governance in the UK Energy Policy: The Case of Electricity Market Reform, The Third Berlin Forum Innovation in Governance, Berlin, June 2012


Emamian,SMS, The Role of Energy Security Concern in the UK Energy Policy: The Case of Electricity Market Reform, ‘New Energy Security Challenges’ Workshop, London, May 2012


Emamian,SMS, The Politics of Innovation Policy Change in the

UK Energy Policy,11th Annual IAS-STS Conference: Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies, Graz, Austria, May 2012


Emamian,SMSTransition theories and the UK energy policy and strategy, 1st Ph.D. Summer School on Technological Innovation System (TIS): Gothenburg, Sweden, Aug. 2011


Emamian,SMS,  Is transition welcomed?,  the 11th Annual Conference on Science and Technology in Society, STGlobal Consortium 2011, Washington DC,  April 2011


Emamian,SMS,  Transition to a renewable-based energy system in Developing countries, 8th BIEE Academic Conference, UK Energy Research Centre, Oxford, Sep.2010


Emamian,SMS,  Innovation System for Renewable Energy Industry in Developing countries, 6th Ph.D. School on Innovation and Economic Development: Globelics Academy 2009, Lisbon, Nov.2009


Emamian,SMS, Bagheri,N, Sahafzade,M, Fuel Cell Technological Innovation System in Iran– ICIM Conference, Maastricht, Dec. 2008


Emamian,SMS, Bagheri,N,  Sahafzade,M, Irankhah,a, Scenario Based Priority Setting of R&D Issues – A Case Study of Membrane Technology in National Iranian Gas Industry- PICMET Conference, South Africa, Aug. 2008


Emamian,SMS, Bagheri,N, Mosavi,S, Strategy Development for Renewable Energy Sector in Iran, International Renewable Energies Conference, Scotland, Jun. 2008


Emamian,SMS, Bagheri,N,  Sahafzade,M, Innovation Survey of Fuel Cell Technology in Iran, IAMOT2008, Dubai, Apr. 2008


Emamian,SMS, Moshtari, M, Strategic Planning Process of Tehran Municipality, EURAM2008, Ljubljana, May 2008


Emamian,SMS, Bagheri,N, Sahafzade,M, Zamanian,M, Strategy Implementation Models Analysis and Selection of Appropriate Model for Technology Strategy, 5 th International Conference of Industrial Engineering, Tehran, Jun. 2007,(in Farsi)


Emamian,SMS, Zamanian,M, Developing Model for Mission Statement in Public and Non-profit Organizations, 5th International Conference of Industrial Engineering, Tehran, Jun. 2007,(in Farsi)

کتاب تالیفی


Emamian, SMS., Towards a Regulatory Governance: The Evolution of Iranian Regulatory Landscape, in Dawoody, Alex. Issues of Governance in the Middle East: Perspectives and Analysis, Palgrave Macmillan, London, upcoming 2023


Emamian, SMS., An Overview of the Iranian Multi-level Governance Model: Understanding the Role of Supra-Governmental Councils in Achieving Policy Consistency and Stability, in Dawoody, Alex. Issues of Governance in the Middle East: Perspectives and Analysis, Palgrave Macmillan, London, upcoming 2023


Emamian, SMS., Khalili, SMH., Ebrahimnejad, A., The Rise of Iranian Private Media Platforms and Challenging the IRIB’s Monopolistic Constitutional Position, in the RIPE@2022, Public Value TEXTE: Between the Fourth Estate and the Fifth Power, ORF, Vienna, September 2022, P 162-167


Emamian, SMS., TANZIMANEH: Essays in Media Policy and Regulation, Soroosh Publication, May 2022 (in Persian)


Emamian, SMS., Measuring and Characterizing Energy Policy Change: the Case of British Electricity Industry, Public Policy Journal, Volume 7, Issue 3, Autumn 2021, P 37-54 (in Persian)


Emamian, SMS., Zamanian, M., Mohamadzadeh, E., Zulfaghari, A., An Introduction to the Regulatory State, Centre for Strategic Studies (CSS), Tehran, Iran, 2021 (in Persian)


Emamian, SMS., Asghari, M., IRAN: REGULATING TO FACILITATE IN A PANDEMIC, InterMEDIA, Volume 49, Issue 13, Sep 2021, P 13-15


Emamian, SMS., Nariman, S., Akbari, H., The Constant Friction between Islam and Modernity in Iran: The Rise and Fall of the Iranian Reformists, in Democratic Transitions in the Muslim World, International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS) and Islam and Liberty Network (ILN) , Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, 2018


Emamian, SMS., Zulfaghari, A., Zamanian, M., Mohamadzadeh, E., The National Regulatory System, the Parliamentary Research Centre (PRC), Tehran, Iran, 2018 (in Persian)


Emamian, SMS., How to measure policy change: An analysis of the UK electricity policy change 2000-2010, in IAS-STS Yearbook 2013, The Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society (IAS-STS) and Inter-University Research Centre for Technology, Work and Culture (IFZ) , Graz, Austria, 2015


Zamanian, M., Khaji MR., Emamian, SMS., The value chain of citizen relationship management (CzRM): A framework for improvement, African Journal of Business Management, Vol. 5(22), pp. 8909-8917,30 September, 2011


Zamanian, M., Emamian, SMS., Bagheri, N., Sahafzadeh, M., Hosseini, SH., Providing a Conceptual Framework to Formulate Mission Statement in Nonprofit Voluntary Organizations – Case of an Iranian Organization, International Journal of Business and Social Science, Vol. 2, No. 15; August 2011


Bagheri, N.,  Sahafzade, M., Emamian, SMS., Irankhah, A., An Approach to R&D Priority Setting- A Case Study of Membrane Technology in National Iranian Gas Industry, Journal of Science & Technology Policy (JSTP), Vol. 1, No. 4; February 2009


مقالات (مجلات علمی – پژوهشی)

  • The Governance of Social Crises: Moving Beyond Over-Securitization and the Necessity of Institutional Centralization, Donyay Eghtesad Newspaper, Oct 2022
  • The Iranian Digital Governance: Ideationally Advanced but Practically Frustrated- An institutional overview of an almost a decade legacy of the Supreme Council of Cyber Space, ISNA Newsagency, Oct 2022
  • A Systemic Approach to Internet Governance: A Paradigm Shift in Internet Legislation, Peyvast Journal, Feb 2022
  • Political Stability and Consensus as an Opportunity Window for implementing Multi-Level Governance, Farhikhtegan Newspaper, January 2022
  • Public Service Media and Local Content Production as two Foundations of MEDIA SOVEREIGNTY, Tasnim News Agency, Nov 2021
  • From a Sectoral Approach to a Multi-Level Governance: the case of Iranian Internet Governance Model, Peyvast Journal, Volume 95, Oct 2021
  • The Media Platformization, the Inevitability of ex-Ante Regulation, and the Necessity of International co-Enforcement, Fars News Agency, Oct 2021
  • From de-Governmentalized Internet to the Revival of Digital Sovereignty, Code Journal, SATRA, Sep 2021
  • From Governance Paradox to Political De-gradation: a Critique of Electoral Competition for Digital De-Governancing, June 2021
  • The Institutional Ambivalence and the Guardian Council: the contradiction between a Legal-Judiciary and a Policy-Oriented approach, ANA News Agency, May 2021
  • The Dominant International Media Platforms and Media Concentration, Jam-e-Jam Newspaper, March 2021
  • The Techno-Political Nexus: the Fall of Neutrality and the Rise of National Sovereignty, Etemad Newspaper, Feb 2021
  • Regulators and Judiciary, Contradictory or Complementary, Farhikhtegan Newspaper, January 2021
  • Regulatory Body and the Separation of Power, Commission or Organization, Peyvast Monthly Journal, Dec 2010
  • Convergence and the Challenge of Governance Ambivalence and Regulatory Competition, Donyay Eghtesad Newspaper, Dec 2020
  • Platform Dictatorship and the Universal Values, Jam-e-Jam Newspaper, Nov 2020
  • Corporate Regulation, From Nothing to Everything, Code Monthly Journal, Oct 2020
  • From Bureaucratic Government to Algorithmic Government, Government Studies Monthly, Oct 2020

جوایز و افتخارات

  • Elite Foundation Grant, RISTIP, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, Post-Doc Research and Teaching Fellowship, 2016- Present
  • Research Institute for Science, Technology and Industrial Policy (RISTIP), Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, Research and Teaching Fellowship, 2014- 2016
  • IAS-STS Manfred Heindler grant, Graz, Austria, Research Fellowship, 2011-2012
  • Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Tehran, Iran, PhD studentship, 2009-2013
  • Ranked 21st in MSc national competition (out of almost 11,000 Participants), Jun.2001
  • Ranked 129nd in BSc national competition (out of almost 550,000 Participants), Jun.1995
  • The third Rank in applied research in the 21st Kharazmi International Award for Strategy Formulation and Attractiveness Analysis of Fuel Cell Technology in Iran, Member of project steering committee.

فعالیت ­های بین المللی

  • Alumni Ambassador for Edinburgh University in Iran and the region
  • Member of Edinburgh University Amnesty International, 2011-2014
  • President of Ahlul-Bait Society (ABSoc), Edinburgh Uni, 2011-2014
  • Senior Advisor of TEAS, An Edinburgh-based Charity, 2010-2014
  • Chair of Iranian Student Association (ISA), Edinburgh Uni, 2010-2013
  • Member of Board in Sharif University Alumni, 2004-2009
  • Member of Board, “National Organization of Students”, 1999-2003.
  • Member of Board, “Organization of Students”, Sharif Univ. 2001-2003
  • Head of “Organization of Students”, K.N.T. Univ., 1997-2001
  • More than 8 years experiences in Social and Cultural Activities at Universities.





·                     Oct. 2014- Present

International Public Policy Association (IPPA)

·         Oct. 2021-Present

The Asian and MiddleEast Public Policy Association (AMEPPA)

·         Oct. 2011- Present

Public Administration Specialist Group, The Political Studies Association (PSA)

·         Oct. 2012-Present

The Policy Studies Journal Public Policy Yearbook

·                     Apr. 2014- 2016

Chatham House, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, London

·                     Jun. 2014- 2016

Centre for Policy Studies (CPS), London

·                     Apr. 2013- 2016

The Institute for Government (IfG), London

·                     Sep. 2010-2014

British Institute of Energy Economics (BIEE)

·                     June 2011- 2014

Sustainability Transitions Research Network (STRN)

·                     June 2011- 2014

Energy Community, The Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN)

·                     June 2010- 2014

National Energy Research Network (NERN)

·                     Oct. 2011-2016

The Advocacy Coalition Framework Forum

·                     Mar. 2014- 2015

The Royal United Service Institute (RUSI), London


تجارب آموزشی

  • Regulatory Policy: Concepts, Models and Instruments, PhD Course, Imam Sadegh University, Fall 2022
  • Multi-Level Governance and the Machinery of Policymaking, An Elite Foundation Fellowship, 2022
  • International Media Organization, MSc Course, IRIB Media University, Iran, 2nd semester, 2022
  • Policy and Religion: the Challenge of Reconciliation, the GPTT’s Policy Club Workshop
  • Policy Advisory System and Agencies, An Elite Foundation Fellowship, 2021
  • Macro Policies and Ultra-Administrative Supreme Councils, An Elite Foundation Fellowship, 2021
  • Media Policy and Governance, MSc Course, IRIB Media University, Iran, 2nd semester, 2020
  • The Social Networks, Concepts and Theories, MSc Course, IRIB Media University, Tehran, Iran, 1st semester, 2019-2020
  • An Introduction to Energy Policy and Economics, BSc Course, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 1st semester, 2016-2017
  • Foundations of Policy Studies, PhD Course, Azad Islamic University, Tehran, Iran, 2nd semester, 2015-2016
  • Public Planning and Public Management, PhD Course, Azad Islamic University, Tehran, Iran, 1st semester, 2015-2016
  • Too close to call: An analysis of the May 7th General Election, Working Paper, Research Institute for Science, Technology and Industrial Policy (RISTIP), Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2015
  • Tribes without Leader: Inside the British Shi’a, Working Paper, Research Institute for Science, Technology and Industrial Policy (RISTIP), Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2015
  • Unblocking the British Policy Machinery, Working Paper, Working Research Institute for Science, Technology and Industrial Policy (RISTIP), Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2015
  • A Comparative Study of Policy Think-Tanks in Britain and Iran, Working Paper, Research Institute for Science, Technology and Industrial Policy (RISTIP), Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2015
  • A Fragmented Governance Model: A review of Iranian Energy Policy, Working Paper, Research Institute for Science, Technology and Industrial Policy (RISTIP), Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2015